
Death Chaser- by S. Robles ©2017 v1.0

Summary The Death-Chaser is a living embodiment of death, they roam between place of conflict to place of conflict with the sole purpose of administering the utmost in brutality. A Death-Chaser has no friends, only those who’ve yet to become enemies. Sometimes paying homage to Khazaar, Siru, or Toron, these hateful monsters have no reservations against embracing death.

Class Skills Devestation

The Death-Chaser is a living embodiment of death, they roam between place of conflict to place of conflict with the sole purpose of administering the utmost in brutality. A Death-Chaser has no friends, only those who’ve yet to become enemies. Sometimes paying homage to Khazaar, Siru, or Toron, these hateful monsters have no reservations against embracing death.

Murder Stroke

Sometimes aggressive action alone isn’t enough, and sometimes a certain foe is simply irksome and needs to suffer. Once per day while Berserk, the Death-Chaser may focus all of their mortal hatred and rage into a single blow capable of sundering seemingly impenetrable defenses. The Death-Chaser makes a single melee attack at +20% to hit on the turn Murder Stroke is used, and if successful their target is immediately gored with such cruelty that they are rendered unconscious and will die of Blood Loss in 1d4 rounds and has a -40% penalty to being healed due to the catastrophic damage -- they do not die instantly, because that is not suffering.

Beyond Brutality

The Death-Chaser’s bloodlust is derived from utter violence, and as the battle progresses they grow more and more ferocious. Each time a Death-Chaser takes a life during combat, they gain a +5% bonus to all checks for the remainder of battle, to a maximum of +60%. Should the odds be so unseemly that the Death-Chaser kills an unaccountable number of lives in a single round, they gain only a +5% bonus. In addition, they have an extra attack per turn due to their wild abandon.