Player Guides

Large-Scale Crafting Projects - by B. Kellestine 2020 v1.0


Often in the Imarel Setting, characters will seek to create great works or larger projects such as fortifications or vehicles.  This guide is designed to assist players and GMs in making such creations. Though these timelines and requirements aren’t absolute, they are the norm for such projects, and as always players and GMs must use common sense.  It should not, for example, take a month to construct a rowboat, nor should it take just as long to craft a flying fortress.  

Items to Note

The results of critical fails are always up to the GM handling the matter.  It may result in personal injury, loss of materials, or extra time due to needing to fix some major complication that arose.

Engineer bonuses for Innovation or Masterwork Innovation must be rolled and applied separately for each piece of construction.

Drones and smaller vehicles such as one-manned watercraft or steam sedans will not use these rules, and the construction requirements should be discussed with the GM when beginning to craft them.