
Seer - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0

Summary Seer is a gender-neutral term that encompasses both Witches (female) and Warlocks (male), Nahara and Shaman. They are a mystical middle ground between priest, occultist and mage that focuses on very specific Spheres of Magic (see below). Certain types of Seers are also capable of levying powerful blessings and curses on individuals, through pacts they make with the Spirits and Deities of Imarel. Seers must also observe various rites, rituals and use an assortment of mantras, chants and sometimes downright strange spell components to enact their magic. This binds Seers to the same basic guidelines of Sengaardian Method spell-casting.

Unlike priests, who choose one deity to pay homage Seers are polytheistic and will pay tribute to many Deities and Spirits along the same sphere of influence, however there will always be one Deity or Spirit the seer will primarily pay homage before all others. This choosing is known as consorting and grants the seer particular favor and influence with the chosen Deity or Spirit.

Class Trees

  • Nahara

    Seers dedicated to the Spirits of Tranquility and Pleasure, Nahara serve as companions and escorts to those whom they choose. While sexual relations are common in their practice, Nahara are not prostitutes. They exist to bring peace, tranquility and pleasure (in whatever form it should take) to those they choose to accompany.

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  • Shaman

    The Shaman is a healer, protector and wisdom-giver. They speak to the Gods and Spirits of Imarel through rites and meditation. Their magic carries powerful blessings to allies and curses to enemies.

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  • Warlock/Witch

    Gender-specific terms for the same sort of Seer, Witches and Warlocks are the masters of Beguilement/Charm, Alteration and Summoning.

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Shared Class Abilities Fortune Teller

There are many ways a seer can tell the fortune of a person. Sometimes it is through palm reading, through the casting of bones or through the telling of cards. The method is up to the player, however the actual knowledge of such fortune telling is derived from the higher or lower power he or she has selected as their primary power. Fortune telling can act as a minor blessing (or a curse) depending on the results of the telling or set in motion events that could be positive or negative; the seer has absolutely no control over such things.

Fortune-Telling can be done three times per day. Results are determined on a 1d100 roll. 1-25 the person seeking their fortune receives a +10% to hit and intuition checks for one day. 26-50 the person seeking their fortune receives a +5% to hit and intuition checks. 51-75 indicates the one seeking their fortune receives a -5% to their hit and intuition checks and finally 76-100 means the fortune-seeker receives a -10% to hit and intuition checks. Further, they can ascertain signs through their readings to learn information about a read person, place or object with a 65% chance of success (resistant targets require a spell attack vs. MD) However, at GM's discretion, something specific can happen that is not necessarily determined by dice as part of a story-driven plot.

In addition, this limited glimpse into the future grants a seer a bonus to evading incoming attacks - by way of momentary visions flashing through the mind or a sense of deja vu warning them of an incoming threat. The seer gains a +10% bonus to evasion attempts. (Usable 3 times per day, 1d100 is rolled to determine the fortune. +10% to dodge/evasion).


All seers are highly skilled at producing a wide variety of herbal sedatives, healing balms and other curatives through natural means. Furthermore, seers are second only to none in being able to concoct virulent compounds from natural plant life. Through the Herbalism skill, the Seer can create the following types of potions that will typically have 1d4+1 draughts:

Healing (seals most surface wounds, negates critical strike effects).

Rejuvenation (cures exhaustion, natural diseases and 50% to cure sorcerous or mystically-oriented disease).

Polymorph (allows alteration into one animal/humanoid/monster form with appropriate powers for 1d6 hours, that must be within 20 pounds and 1 foot of the drinker).

Toxicity (Causes nausea and sickness in the drinker for 1d4 days, cutting all effective skill checks in half for that time).

Sleep (drinker falls asleep for 1d6 hours, though will wake refreshed and alert).

Love (Causes the drinker to fall madly in love with the first person they see for 1d4 hours, making them unable to do anything else but gush and swoon over that person for the allotted time.) 

Other compounds and remedies can be made including those listed in the Flora of Imarel article. Because of the preparation involved, herbalism used for potion-making can be done only once per week.

Additionally, Herbalism grants the Seer a 90% chance to identify a potion/compound and 75% to identify otherwise unknown and rare plants. (Make potions, herbal compounds and curatives once per week, 90% to identify potion/compound, 75% to identify rare/unknown plants).

Summon Familiar

Seers can summon forth a familiar into their servitude. This familiar will have absolute loyalty and cannot be charmed/dominated or controlled to betray their master. The familiar is fitting to the summoner, but can never be larger than a wolf. Familiars will have above average intelligence and understand the languages the Seer understands and convey all sensory information they perceive to the Seer.

Familiars act as spies, protectors and trackers for the Seer that summons them and to that end will even willingly die in their service. Should a familiar be destroyed, the Seer may resurrect it once and will suffer a resurrection weakness for 1d4 days where casting will be impossible. This is the only instance a seer can cast a resurrection; they are otherwise without access to that spell and can only instead use reincarnation magic. Should the familiar be slain twice, it is permanently destroyed and the Seer suffers with an inability to use magic for one week. After one month the Seer may elect to summon a new familiar. Only one familiar can ever be retained at one time. (Summon familiar, usable once per familiar).

Paragon Class Abilities (Available only to single class characters who spend 12 EP for all three skills.)

Paragon of Skill

Because an individual spends a great deal of focused effort and time to become a Paragon they learn things of their profession that those who dual-class would not otherwise discover. This skill translates into a bonus +15% to hit for their appropriate combat focus (+15% to melee hit for melee types, +15% to ranged for ranged attackers and +15% to spell hit for spell casters). Additionally, the Paragon gains an extra -20% to their overall armor rating and mystic defense versus all forms of attack.

Weather Control

The most powerful of Seers are able to alter the course of a weather system in a small, localized area. In doing this, they can create snowstorms in the middle of a rainforest or bring a thunderstorm to a desert, for a short period of time (1d4+1 rounds). The area of which the weather is affected cannot surpass 200′ diameter of the area the seer selects and cannot contain ‘alien' elements, such as falling ice comets or fireballs streaming from the heavens; all weather elements must be natural. The area selected cannot be more than 50′ away from the seer. Additionally, what happens when the Seer changes the weather is left to the discretion of the GM (ex. ice storms cause enemies to slip, etc). There is also a 30% chance that the seer gets weather other than what they attempted to summon forth. This ability is available once per week. (Control the weather, 30% chance of random weather, useable once per week).

Paragon Familiar

The greatest of seers can utilize a combination of blood magic and herbalism to concoct a brew to enhance their familiar to a greater, more potent state.  Whatever manner of creature the familiar is, it will grow in size, ferocity, and ability.  To invoke this talent, the familiar must have been in the seer’s service for no less than a month.  The seer spends an evening in contemplation while making a brew that consists of no less than a full pint of their blood, as well as a number of ingredients costing no less than 500 gold pieces.  They actualize their will and the will of one of their patrons on the familiar, changing its form to one that better serves the primary intended purposes the seer has for the being.  They must choose from three options - Protector, Scout, or Spy.

Protector - The protector familiar becomes bulkier and more hardy, capable of absorbing far more damage than the mundane form.  The familiar’s size can be increased as large as a grizzly bear and it gains resistance to physical damage much in the way a guardian does.  The familiar now uses its master’s spell hit expressed as a negative for its Armor Rating.  Finally, the Protector may, once per round, make a block to defend one individual with a 65% chance of success (failure means the familiar takes the blow, not the intended target.)  [50% Dodge, 50% Stealth, Seer’s Spell Hit as AR, Defensive Maneuver, Half Damage from attacks.]

Scout - The scout form becomes more attuned to natural surroundings, and gains far keener senses.  The familiar gains a 85% chance to track, or +15% to an applicable talent.  Further, it gains the ability to make an ambush attack.  Once per day, while lying in wait and under the cover of stealth the Scout familiar may make an attack that has a 75% chance to cause a critical wound, resulting in bleeding out into unconsciousness in 1d6 rounds, and death in 1d4 rounds thereafter.  The scout uses the seer’s spell hit as their melee hit.  [50% Dodge, 75% Stealth, Seer’s Spell Hit as Melee hit, Tracking, Ambush Attack.]

Spy - The spy becomes more innocuous, and more often than not retains its normal form as a natural creature so as to not arouse suspicion.  The familiar gains the ability to escape confinement with a 85% chance of success, reduced to 65% in cases of magical confinement.  Further, they gain the ability to sneak attack an enemy who is unsuspecting or flanked by an ally.  This attack has a flat 85% chance of success to hit, with a 30% chance to cause a mortal wound.  Should a mortal wound be landed, the target will immediately collapse from the wound and bleed for 1d6 rounds at which point he or she will be unconscious. If another 1d6 rounds passes and the wound is not tended to, the backstabbed individual will die.  Even if the mortal wound attempt fails, the target will still be stunned for 1 round due to the severity of the wound.  The spy uses the seer’s spell hit as their melee hit.  [65% dodge, 65% Skulk rating, Seer’s Spell hit as Melee hit, Sneak Attack, Escape Artist.]

Other mechanical stats - hit percentages, armor rating, mystic defense will scale to the difficulty of the chronicle - 200% for a mid-level chron, 250% for a higher powered chron, and 300% for the highest difficulty of chronicle.  These benefits, for the most part, will be in addition to talents the familiar may already possess.  Other variations of these enhancements may exist, with approval of a GM and a successful spell research masterwork attempt.

Attempts to give this brew to another creature that is not a familiar will grant no boons, and will leave them with severe bowel discomfort for 1d4 days.