
Metamorph - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0

Summary Born with an affinity for the rearrangement of self, a Metamorph can alter the shape of their body composition and overall mass to suit their needs. A Metamorph can change their form to any (playable) living humanoid species without restriction, so long as they have had physical contact with the sort of person the Metamorph is attempting to change into. Metamorphs begin play with a single animal form, and can purchase additional forms for 3 EP each (no bigger than a bear, no smaller than a mouse). Class does not change between humanoid forms, thus stats and armor bonuses apply as needed. When shifting into animal forms, only a Metamorph’s Spell Hit remains unchanged from their humanoid form. Metamorphs may use up to medium grade armor.

Class Skills Shapeshift

When a Metamorph chooses to fully shapeshift, this is considered a Will-Shaping feat and requires a full round to complete, preventing additional actions. The act of shifting acts as a means to heal ½ of internal and external physical wounds and has a 75% chance of curing poisons and diseases, including magical ones. A Metamorph can become any humanoid race, so long as they have had physical (skin on skin) contact with an example of that race. A handshake, a kiss, a grasp of a bare shoulder are all sufficient contact. This also allows Metamorphs to use the subject race's abilities but allows them to retain their class skills and bonuses from weapons and equipment they have. A form is held for 1d4+1 hours, before the Metamorph's original form must be taken for at least one round, before either re-assuming the previous form or choosing another. Additionally, a Metamorph begins play with 1 Animal Form Type they can transform into, and select a single animal who they can shift into. Additional Form Types may be bought for 3 EP, and learning individual animal species requires a Combat Technique or Spell Research roll and physical access to the animal type to study in the wild, or an enclosure where the wild is simulated. Attempting to learn how to shift into a wild animal in a domestic setting results in automatic failure; part of learning to shift into an animal form is as much learning social behavior as it is physical traits.

When animal forms are used, the Metamorph retains their class, but gains the benefits of an animal Form Type. This means that any attack the Will-Shaper makes is based on their spell hit, whether it be melee or ranged, in the animal form. Form Types include full spell hit % bonus (which counts as melee hit for animal forms) and half of other bonuses from gear. Racial abilities from the Metamorph's original race do not apply. Metamorphs do not check for exhaustion when shifting into humanoid forms, however animal forms or partial shifts do.

Metamorphs may cause partial shifts in form, provided they’re capable of transforming into the specific animal they’re adapting the trait to. For example, a Metamorph who can shift into an avian can learn to adapt keen eyes that grant a benefit to perception checks and tracking, but couldn’t adapt a chameleon’s ability to camouflage themself without also knowing how to transform into a chameleon specifically, not just the reptile subtype.

Below are the various Form Types:

Note : All stats provided are suggestions for basic creatures of each type. Different animals can be researched to provide different abilities, however stat ranges should be roughly the same unless a masterwork roll is made. That said, these base stats are used for whatever form the Metamorph knows when they begin play.

Rodent: -125% Armor Rating, -25% Mystic Defense, three attacks per round, +25% Evasion, 95% chance to Skulk, +25% bonus to Perception checks involving smelling organic materials within a 50' radius.

Reptile: -225% Armor Rating, -75% Mystic Defense, two attacks per round, 85% chance to strike a Critical Wound with a bite (1d6 rounds till unconsciousness from bleeding, another 1d4 till death).

Mammal (Large): -350% Armor Rating, -100% Mystic Defense, one attack per round, 75% chance to Stun with every successful hit. Stunned targets are unable to attack or spell cast for 1d4 rounds, but may opt to flee.

Mammal (Medium): -175% Armor Rating, -50% Mystic Defense, three attacks per round, 75% chance to induce Panic with every successful hit. Panicked targets attempt to flee for 1d4 rounds, effectively halving the opponent's total armor rating.

Avian: -125% Armor Rating, -125% Mystic Defense, three attacks per round +15% Evasion, +25% bonus to Perception checks involving sight and long distance. 95% chance to track.

Aquatic Vertebrate: -275% Armor Rating, -50% Mystic Defense, one attack per round, 75% undersea tracking, 85% chance to strike a Critical Wound with a bite (1d6 rounds till unconsciousness from bleeding, another 1d4 till death).

Aquatic Invertebrate: -225% Armor Rating, -35% Mystic Defense, two attacks per round, 75% chance for a venomous strike, resulting in paralysis for 1d4 rounds, +15% bonus to grapple attacks (including Feats of Strength to break them).

(Shapeshift, heals some wounds, 75% for poison/disease cure, form held for 1d4+1 hours).

Rapid Shift

There are times that a Metamorph needs to assume a chosen shape as quickly as possible, whether it be to prevent detection, elude an enemy or escape certain death from wounds taken. Twice per day, the Metamorph may opt to ‘rush-shift' and instantly assume a new shape without exhaustion penalty. However, the act of rapid shifting is exceedingly painful to the Will-Shaper for the stress on their body that the act of doing so causes. As such, the Metamorph suffers a -50% spell hit penalty after 1d4 rounds, for 1d4 rounds while they recover after the initial shock wears off. This talent is used three times per day. (Instant shapeshift, penalty of -50% spell hit after 1d4 rounds, for 1d4 rounds 2 times per day).

Share Form

Once per day, the Metamorph can share the form in which they choose to change with 1d4+2 people for one hour. If the Metamorph chooses to become a dolphin to swim across a lake, those who partake in the change will likewise become dolphins. Note that not everyone is shapeshifted into the same dolphin, instead taking the path of least resistance. A large person will be a larger dolphin, someone with an eyepatch to cover a long missing eye will probably still be missing said eye. In all cases, those outside the will-shaper will retain their original gender, regardless of animal or humanoid form. This ability cannot forcibly induce shape-shifting, as it requires concerted cooperation. This ability does not incur exhaustion, aside from what would be incurred by shape-shifting themselves. This ability cannot be used with a partial shift. (Once per day, share a form for 1d4+2 people for one hour).