
The Legend of Han`a and Gedeon - By B.Kellestine, 2021 v1.0

During the organization of the Gods of Order and Chaos, when the First Godswar was done and gone, and the Old Gods, Risen Gods, and Spirits were all building their place in the cosmos, Moloys - then God of Magic - created two celestial ‘children.’ These children were twins whose essence were so intertwined that if one died, the other would be thrown into a magical frenzy, lobbing spell after spell until whatever threat barred their way was defeated, before also dying from the immense grief of their counterpart’s loss. The children - known as Han`a, the aspect of magical insight, and Gedeon, the aspect of magical strength - were created each from slivers shaved from Moloys’ staff, and cast into The Sea of Light. The god of magic entrusted Han`a and Gedeon with the duty of defending something very precious to both Moloys, and to Imarel. Their task was to, at all cost, guard the doorway leading to the Heart of Tala.

Han`a and Gedeon guarded this doorway this way, unfailingly protecting the Heart from any agents the Lords of Chaos might send to gain the Heart’s power. So fearsome were these Seraphim that even the most deadly Knights of Xos were unwilling to face them. For time untold, these twins guarded the way unfailingly, with Gedeon’s loyalty to Moloys and Han`a’s loyalty to their task steeling their resolve against any and all threat to the Heart of Tala. It remained this way until Khazaar and Moloys plotted to taint another heart - the Heart of Imarel. When Moloys was cast from Indaris, becoming the Xosian Lord of Betrayal, the dynamic between Han`a and Gedeon changed.

Gedeon, blindly loyal to Moloys, sought to use a sliver of the Heart of Tala to grow more powerful, while Han`a sought to prevent this, as their duty was to guard the Heart, not abuse its power. Han`a would have sacrificed herself for her duty were it any other being seeking the power beyond the door they were charged to guard, however, she could not bring herself to bring harm to her brother. So deep was her love, that she stood by while Gedeon accessed the chamber of the Heart. However, while the brother was beyond the doorway, Han`a devised a means to seal Gedeon within. She utilized mana to meld herself with the door to the Heart, and sealed the portal shut so that none could pass either way. The chamber of the Heart became Gedeon’s prison, one he could not escape without killing his sister and sealing his own fate as well. Any who were foolish enough to seek the Heart would have to kill Han`a to gain access, only to find themselves facing an immensely powerful Gedeon, who would be thrown into a blind fury at the death of his beloved sister.

It is said that Han`a and Gedeon remain even to this day, the eternal guardians of Tala’s Heart, even as Han`a’s heart breaks from the grief of her brother’s betrayal.