
Guide to the Imarel Multiverse - by T.A. Saunders ©2014 v1.0

Adanum - The Mortal Realm

This is the name given to the prime plane. Scholars recognize that Imarel is a planet amongst many, orbiting stars along with other planets and galaxies within the prime plane or what is classically referred to as a universe. There are also alternate realities that, through sorcery, Imarel scholars are also aware of and through extremely difficult and rare magic or magic items (such as a Mirror of Multiplicity), can be reached. It's important to note that there are an infinite amount of these alternate dimensions and each dimension is a fragment another, created by key events that are temporally static, meaning they will occur across all alternate realms, though not always simultaneously.

Time travels slightly different between these fragments, though never more than a few months back or forward. It is also important to note that two of the same being cannot exist in the same reality, unless one or both beings are given the ability to generate a paradox field by a deity, artifact or an extremely powerful chronomancer. The paradox field cannot be detected, sensed or manipulated by hostile parties, save by the being or deity who put it in place. Should two of the same being come into contact without this protection, they will cancel one another out to the point of non-existence. So while traveling to alternate realities is certainly possible, one should do so with incredible amounts of caution.