Am-Xitha, Parts I & II (Past Chronicle 2013-2014)

Duchy of Am-Xitha - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.5

Other Places 

Am-Xitha Catacombs (Underground ruins)

Discovered by individuals attempting to mine the, at the time, still swampy overland for metals, the Catacombs have existed as long, or perhaps longer than the city itself. The architecture on the inside suggests the latter, with some parts done in Shei Marble, and other parts done in simple Orhatite. Undead of various sorts wander within, but for whatever reason do not wander out of the breach into the lit world above. There are tales of dreaded Light Eaters living further, into the unknown dark and persistent rumors of more dangerous, unnamed things hidden beyond.

Val'na's Grove (Ten miles north west of the city)

Dedicated to the Spirit of Life, Trent. Val'na Brownbottle has spent the past few years tending this grove as a source of personal power, and a refuge for those who respect the Old Ways.

Located many miles into the forests North West of Am-Xitha's city walls, while going towards Luisellia, the grove bears the distinctive markings of a druid's gathering place. The large, ancient tree in the center of a clearing, hidden amongst the surrounding trees and foliage, the perimeter around the grove has the occasional ward to warn against poachers and defilers.

Val'na makes her home in a burrow near this tree, a cavern that she herself has earth shaped for respite and to offer refuge to the lost. It's entrance is marked by a pair of totems. Entering the wooded grove gives visitors a sense of peace and respite for both man and beast, but also the feeling that something wise and powerful watches over this place, and those who enter within. (Description by Lisa Francis).

Water Shield

Nobody knows exactly where in the city the sorcerous generator of the Water Shield is located, for good reason. Were it to be discovered, those who have perhaps ill-intent upon Am-Xitha could disable or destroy it, leaving the city unprotected. Its original purpose, as designed by Lord Edranath Leathurah and Annora Ward, was to filter sunlight in such a way that it allowed corruption-devouring Baeula to grow rapidly. After the fact, it was decided that the Water Shield should remain as a means of protecting the city from hostile invasion. More recently, the Water Shield has been modified to offer weather tempering, to stave off fierce storms, heat waves and the like.

The Water Shield appears as a shimmering, ever-flowing film of water spilling downwards in a perfect circle around the city, that does well to not obscure view. The north, south, east and west gates allow for those entering or leaving the city to do so, without getting drenched, as the shield meets the tops of those gates. It's a common pastime for both residents and newcomers to the city alike, to stand in groups and watch rainbows arc over the city here and there, while airships fly slowly through the shield itself, to land and take off.