
Scout - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0

Summary The Scouts encompass the various trackers of Imarel, whose skills allow for the discovery of an enemy's hidden encampment, the less traveled path through dangerous territory or the successful location of a lost child in the neighboring woods. Scouts are rugged sorts, who can exist indefinitely on their own without need of supplies most civilized sorts couldn't do without. They live off the land and understand it better than most. They can use it to their tactical advantage and turn the tables on unsuspecting enemies. There are three paths a Scout can follow: Hunter, Marauder and Ranger.

Class Trees

  • Hunter

    The Hunter is familiar with firearms of all types and is capable of using them with great lethality. Hunters know how to stalk their prey in silence, waiting for the opportune moment to strike before killing them with a well-placed round to the head.

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  • Marauder

    What differentiates the Marauder from other scouts is intentions. While Hunters and Rangers tend to view the wild as a sanctuary to which they are a part of, Marauders view the wild as an advantageous place to lure the unsuspecting and bring them to harm.

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  • Ranger

    A keeper of the wild, the Ranger is the only Scout path that uses magic derived from a divine source. While the Hunter and the Marauder utilize the bounty of the wild, a ranger is in true harmony with it, being able to summon animal allies to act as protectors and spies.

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Shared Class Abilities Camouflage

All Scouts are skilled at ducking into good hiding places when the need suits them, giving them a base 75% chance of success to both find cover and to move silently, plus any racial bonuses. (75% to camouflage)

Sniper Shot

Scouts are exceedingly good shots with whatever ranged weapon they choose to employ. As such they are capable of shooting and killing a target at range with maximum lethality. When a Scout chooses to sniper down a target, he or she has a +75% to their ranged hit roll. A successful hit with Sniper Shot means the target is critically wounded and will fall unconscious from blood loss in 1d6 rounds and then die in another 1d4 rounds if immediate care is not rendered. There is an additional 50% chance that the victim will be killed instantly from the Sniper Shot. In order to get the benefits of Sniper Shot, the Scout must not be in combat and must be the opening move for the Scout. The Sniper Shot can only be used once per combat scenario. (+75% to ranged hit roll, scores a Critical Wound. If successful, 50% to instantly kill. Must not be in combat and must be the opening move for the Scout. Usable once per combat scenario).


The defining talent of the Scout, this skill allows them to follow the trail of a specific person, creature or group of either across any terrain (though only Xalayi Scouts can track in aquatic environments unless specifically trained by a Xalayi to do so) with 80% chance of success. Elves and Zissah, due to their closeness with nature, track at 90% chance of success. The tracking percentage can be modified to account for weather conditions, terrain conditions or other unique skills. Tracking otherwise works equally well between natural and urban environments and different sorts of terrain. (80% to track, 90% if Elvish or Zissah. NOTE: EP can be spent to increase this skill for other races).

Paragon Class Abilities (Available only to single class characters who spend 12 EP for all three skills.)

Paragon of Skill

Because an individual spends a great deal of focused effort and time to become a Paragon they learn things of their profession that those who dual-class would not otherwise discover. This skill translates into a bonus +15% to hit for their appropriate combat focus (+15% to melee hit for melee types, +15% to ranged for ranged attackers and +15% to spell hit for spell casters). Additionally, the Paragon gains an extra -20% to their overall armor rating and mystic defense versus all forms of attack.

Expert Marksmanship

The Scout with Expert Marksmanship gains an extra attack per round (in addition to their normal attacks) and a 65% chance of a critical wound (checked once per round). Critical wounds must be treated in 1d6 rounds or cause unconsciousness, then death 1d4 rounds. (Gain an extra attack per round, 65% chance to critically wound).

Ghost of the Wild

The Scout with this skill can make their passage through an outdoors or subterranean area completely untraceable and undetectable. This includes tracking, use of heightened senses like scent, hearing and sight and even obscures sorcerous means of detection. Only a divine or infernal being can seek the Scout using this skill. This ability can be used once per week. (Make one's self untraceable within an area, usable once per week).