
History and Lore of the Blade Dancer - by T.A. Saunders revision v2.5 2013

Summary of the Blade Dancer

Of the weapon-swinging individuals of Imarel, few are more deadly than the Blade Dancer. Originally a class solely for the Shei of Imarel, the teachings and philosophy have found audience amongst all races, save the Voraath and Dracothar, neither which are graceful enough to employ Blade Dancing styles and the Kaal`Kor who think Blade Dancing is ‘damned sissy.'

The Blade Dance is a celebration of Life and Death; an expression if you will, of the struggle to survive. Ergo, to the Blade Dancer, to commit to battle with another individual brandishing a weapon is a moment of celebration. This, a moment that their skills and fitness are tested against another, the victor making the whole of those who wield a weapon stronger.

Given the deep belief in the proverbial laws of the Wild the Shei have (and as a result, anybody who chooses to become a Blade Dancer), there are stringent codes of personal honor followed, as well as highly spiritual practices that must be adhered to. Those who wander away from this path, lose their touch with this spiritual vigor and fall into dark lust for blood and death.