
The Imarel Timeline - by T.A. Saunders ©2009 v1.5
Updates by S. Robles, B. Kellestine, D. Schneider.

The Age of Discord - Darechon Dur`Laine Becomes Kal`aire

2 AC – D'Mir is in ruins and part of the city itself has been dimensionally phased into the Abyss thanks to the paradox created from opening the portal. Infernal creatures and undead of every description now roam at will and slaughter Shar'Vaire, Voraath and Elf alike without discrimination. What was once a grassland, referred to as the D'Mirian Plains is renamed the Burning Lands, since the effect of chaos energy has turned the once green plains into a wasteland, rife with abominations of every description. Several Shar'Vaire cities were destroyed in the blast, others left uninhabitable. The Enforcers are formed by Mourne Dur'lane, now a Kal'aire in response to the ongoing civil conflict that threatens to tear apart what remains of the Shar'Vaire people. The Voraath freed from Shar'Vaire control begin migrating north, fighting demons and undead along the way.

14 AC – In the ongoing Shar'Vaire Civil War, Mourne and his Enforcers capture Anthalas and more importantly the heavily contested Anthalaen Shipyards, giving them control over airship manufacturing. With this key victory secured, Mourne is able to rally more to his cause, including enlisting aid of the newly formed Farwind Dragonriders. Within the year, all rebellious forces are crushed and Mourne and his Enforcers establish Anthalas as the new Shar'Vaire capital and himself as sovereign. The Edicts of Vengeance are immediately applied to Shar'Vaire law, to ensure the wicked hearts of his people are kept in check. The Prince of the Sivanoshei, who now travels under the name of Trent Greenthorn, joins Mourne and his Enforcers as well during this time.

32 AC – Rebuilding of many Shar'Vaire cities and recapture of Shar'Vaire land from demons is well underway. An official treaty of non-aggression and knowledge-sharing is signed between the Kingdom of Farwind and the Sovereignty of Anthalas. Ko'rashae Ri and her childe, Nevi'sasha Stormwillow turn up in the thriving human city of Brookshire, where many Elvish war refugees turn up. It is here that Ko will select three more to add to her vampiric brood, whom she encourages into key positions in Brookshire's government. The Voraath settle in the frigid northern continent of Zoda and begin forming tribes.

99 AC – Word travels to distant Shalzaar and Brookshire of the reformed Shar'Vaire nation and the acts of Mourne Dur'lane. An envoy is sent to Anthalas in an effort to both establish diplomatic ties with the Shar'Vaire once more and further, ascertain the nature of this new sovereign and whether he has a mind for a possible return of the Imperial ways. Meanwhile, Am-Tasaar is reclaimed by Moon Elves that call themselves Tallis-Kah, or Wild Elves. With a belief that all sorcery leads to destruction, they turn to the ways of Nature and name Zorah their matron goddess.

520 AC – Darechon Dur'lane is born to Mourne and the Half-Shar'Vaire Witch, Isabella. Las Entranra is secured from infernal forces in the Burning Lands. Negotiations with the remaining Moon Elves have been slow, but have finally resulted in a mutual recognition of peoples and a pact of non-aggression signed. Mourne Dur'lane offers the eastern portion of Tal'Rah to The Moon Elves and the quickly growing Human populous to settle. Later that year, Windsong was founded.

606 AC – The city of Damaria is secured from legions of undead by Mourne's Enforcers, under the command of his son Darechon in his first of many military actions. With help from the mysterious Trent Greenthorn, much of the corruption within Damaria is lifted though no explanation from the glib winged Elf is given as to how he divined such power from the Old Gods to do so.

921 AC – What would become known as the Eastern Expansion is well underway, with the city of Vale completed and Humans sweeping across the plains and desert to the mid-east where Tashran is founded. Humans began migrating to the north as well and began settlements that will eventually become Blackgate Hold. Various Voraath tribes begin trading with the Human settlement, though with apprehension that those who settle there may unearth ancient Shar'Vaire relics.

968 AC – Blackgate Hold is finished with many more Human settlers coming from both across the sea from Brookshire and across the channel from Windsong to populate it. Cultists of Khavos, disguised as treasure hunters and archeologists, secretly infiltrated the Imperial-Era Shar'Vaire catacombs under the Hold to search for a crystalline, glyph-marked key, called the Key of Worlds. Later in the year, Darechon Dur'lane is named Champion of Anthalas, after a contest including many Enforcers and other heroes from across the sovereignty.

972 AC – In an abrupt turn of events, the Cult of Khavos obtained the Key of Worlds and used it to activate the Blackgate. The activation was imperfect however, buying heroes time to shut down the Blackgate once again, but not before several dozen demons were unleashed. The resulting massacre left all but twelve of the four hundred and twenty-three people that lived in Blackgate dead, or missing. The twelve refugees led by the paladin Dame Tarasin L'Vinn and a mercenary named Samuel Brookholte escape the massacre and head for the city of Sharan, with the Key of Worlds in their possession.

976 AC – Dame Tarasin L'Vinn is slain defending the refugees from a demon that was sent by the Cult of Khavos to retrieve the Key of Worlds. In a moment of epiphany, Samuel takes up Tarasin's holy blade and finishes off the wounded fiend. Samuel then decides to journey to Windsong with the Key in hopes the Republic will either destroy or lock away the Key, to keep it from ever being used again.

988 AC – Darechon Dur'lane is mortally wounded in an ambush by rogue Shar'Vaire revolutionists, never knowing that his father Mourne had the intelligence that told him about the ambush. Without this knowledge, Dare accepts The Choice to become a Kal'aire from his father who submits his soul to the Spirit of Vengeance. Once turned Dare fulfills his father's goal for him, to become a weapon of Vengeance.