
The Imarel Timeline - by T.A. Saunders ©2009 v1.5
Updates by S. Robles, B. Kellestine, D. Schneider.

Formation of the Blackgate Vanguard - The Eliseberg’s in Brynmere Glade

1322 AC – With The War of Shadows behind the Kingdom of Vyss and the Dragon Empire, emissaries from across Imarel are invited to the Dragon Enclave to meet with Tashalasheeri to discuss peacetime terms between the Empire and the Kingdom of Vyss. It is also uniformly agreed that so long as Arisyeema is at large, there is a grave threat to all of Imarel. It is later discovered that she has sought refuge in her illusion-warded Hold somewhere in northern Miroa, where she and the remnants of the Kiris Miran are continuing their black craft to create a new sort of vampire, with Arisyeema herself as the progenitor.

With more questions than answers, the nations of Imarel agree to pool their resources and create an organization to address the threat of Arisyeema. The abandoned Blackgate Outpost is chosen as a tactically sound striking point into the lands of Miroa, as well as giving vast tactical advantage with the Blackgate mass transport planar bridge at their disposal. This organization is christened the Blackgate Vanguard and thousands of soldiers, craftsmen and their families heed the call to bring the fight to Arisyeema's doorstep before she becomes too powerful to defeat.

This year also saw the end of slavery in the Windsong Republic, thanks to a movement started in the Conclave of Lords, by Kithanis uth Braegon. While this act has brought threats of cessation by Tashran, Kashyr and Bladefall, the majority of the Republic celebrated this change in law. Unfortunately, Kithanis would not live to see the fruits of his labor; he was murdered shortly thereafter by a Shar'Vaire radical known only as the Black King. It is rumored that Kithanis has ascended to become the next Spirit of Knowledge, but such has yet to be confirmed.

1323 AC – The Deceiver's War begins with the collected forces of the Blackgate Vanguard engaging Arisyeema and her Kiris Miran backers across Zoda and Miroa. Many memorable battles are fought over the course of the year with heavy losses to both sides. Tyrian uth Braegon, half-brother to Kithanis acts as head researcher on the project to get the Blackgate fully functional. He is successful at this task, allowing the Vanguard to use it to instantly transport the bulk of their forces to Arisyeema's keep.

This final battle is a brutal one, with the forces of the Vanguard joined by the Enforcers of Anthalas and the entirety of the Dragon Empire, led by Tashalasheeri. While the battle to tear down Ariyseema's undead army rages outside, a strike team led by Arisyeema's own son, Nilharys works their way into the keep and finds means to kill the sorcerously altered vampire.

This year also saw another important event, in the discovery of the Ruins of Ilidania, often referred to as the First City or the city of the Gods in ancient Asyndi texts. Legends state that Miroa's corruption is the result of a curse the Lord of Chaos, Khazaar put on the city at the beginning of the War of Twilight. Specifically, the curse targeted the Heart of Imarel, a powerful artifact the Old Gods and Spirits had put in the center of the city to keep it and the entire continent in a state of calm, temperate weather, despite its far northern position. The curse turned the artifact into an arcane generator for deathly power and eventually ruined the land. With removal of this curse, Life could finally return to Miroa.

1324 AC -- Following the political turmoil in Tal`Rah, the Kingdom of Xos is overthrown. Lands conquered and corrupted by the Spirit of Decay are reapportioned by the Sivanoshei. The Sivanoshei also begin administering the human lands as the Sengaardians experience freedom for the first time in thousands of years.

1329 AC -- After six years of Sivanoshei administration, the Kingdom of Sengaard was officially reestablished. The new Kingdom of Sengaard is forced to give back the blighted terrain that originally belonged to the Sivanoshei before the wars against the nascent Kingdom of Xos. Neizek Estaran of the House of Estaran, who were the stewards of the city of Sengaard under the Xosian regime, is elected Priest-King by the surviving Houses of the High Lords. The Estaran dynasty was established as the new ruling dynasty of Sengaard. The Sivanoshei go to great lengths to regrow the blighted and corrupted land that dominates most of the continent of Mirislyr.

1343 AC – Imarel enjoys a twenty year span of relative peace. The City of Ilidania is rebuilt and rulership of the city is shared between representatives from both the Kingdom of Farwind and the Sovereignty of Anthalas. Tyrian uth Braegon is named Master Historian of the city, for his dedicated research in uncovering many of its forgotten lore.

Later in the year, the drums of war would once more sound as Lord Nilharys and his armies marched across Miroa in an attempt to destroy the remaining Lords of Miroa. The first to fall being one of the most powerful, the feared Skaryn the Exiled. Also in this year the Shar'Vaire Civil War of 1343 begins in the wake of former sovereign, Chance Dur'lane abdicating the throne to his son, Stormavare. Many of the Traditionalists feel Stormavare is unfit to rule and attempt to overthrow him. His legendary father however, is nowhere to be found during this time and is believed to be traveling the Multiverse.

1344 AC – War rages across the Sovereignty of Anthalas as Traditionalists, supported by thought-extinct chaos-mutated Shar'Vaire known as Xirath storm the capital and attempt to capture the shipyards. Royalist forces prevail here after bloody street to street fighting. Xirath and Traditionalist forces fall back to the Ruins of D'Mir and prepare to launch an all-out assault Meanwhile, a connection between the Traditionalists and a man named Oliver Eliseberg is made in regards to illegally selling surplus arms and provisions to them. The Sheriff of Brynmere Glade, Berwyn Cladfael and his deputies investigate the matter as well as other mysteries surrounding the Eliseberg family.