Mira's Hope (Current Chronicle)
Mira's Hope Location Guide - By K. Johnson v.1 2022
To keep this guide concise, only facilities of note are explained in any depth.
Infirmary A few blocks away from the Arms, the Infirmary is a three story building of stone, with wood shutters for the windows that are normally open except in the event of a storm. It has a reception area on the first floor with a seating area for patients where Nurses greet and decide the needs of the patient. There are also exam rooms on this floor where an individual may recieved a checkup to understand if they need to be admitted or if they need simple help (ie bandaging and simple healing services). This is the Infirmary's version of a walk-in clinic space. Depending on current volume of patients it may not be possible to immediately recieve healing, a patient may be provided with standard treatment and asked to come back later if their case isn't urgent and healers are tapped.
The second and third floor are patient rooms, there are private patient rooms that are given to long term patients who are either non emergent cases and require less observation, or are severely ill and need to be isolated from other patients. Both floors have a central U shaped desk area for nurses with supplies in the middle. If necessary shutters come down from the ceiling and can be locked to prevent access to the medications. On the second floor, around the central nurses's island, is a general ward for patients that require constant monitoring. Beds run along the two walls with curtains in between to provide privacy. Visiting hours in this area are limited.
Willshaper colony At the very edge of the city the Willshaper Quarter is a newer section of the city compared to the center. Willshapers arrived in Mira's Hope in the same way as other outcast people, in a slow trickle of individuals. While in most of the civilised places in Imarel Willshaping is simply accepted as the nature of someone's existence Willshapers are still an island onto themselves. Being born with willshaping abilities can be isolating, particularily those of the mind. In Mira's Hope the colony was established as refugees in the city chose to support each other, help to train those who needed training, and create a feeling of inclusion that they might not get elsewhere. Though the people living in this part of the city do join in all other aspects of life in Mira's Hope, their little corner of town is marked as much by plain caution signs as it is by the scorch marks on the ground.
Dock quarter A bustling section of the city that is never closed. Ships enter and leave the harbour at all hours so the business carries on no matter the time or circumstances. Foul weather doesn't stop the travel through the city's ports though the temporary lodgings in the city surge with new guests. Dock hands work every hour of the day in shifts to keep the lifeblood of the city pumping. There are a couple of reccomendable hotels near the docks 'The Prism' and 'Broken Crown' as well as short lease rooms available.
Defense Wall
In the early years of the settlement when people began to join the call Mira had left the wall became a necessity. With threats from the waste on one side, South Watch and Shadowcove to the other the defense wall was needed. A half moon facing the wastes, it had been originally made from wood and in the years since the settlement's beginning has been upgraded to stone braced by metal. At the center of the wall, at its foot, is the headquarters of the city's watch as well as the garrison for the wall's defenders. Over time the wall has taken a great deal of damage and one of the tasks of the wall defense is to check it regularly for weaknesses.
Mira and the original residents of the city managed to hold what they had claimed despite encroaching creatures from the Wastes. It was the arrival of, and partnership with, the Ferinal tribe that truly allowed a solid defense to be maintained. As the city expanded another wall around the permiter of the livable area was constructed as the wastes continues to expand.
Commercial quarter Commerce is a huge business in Mira's Hope, though the residents get most of their nourishment and maintenance from being active members of the community. Because the way to further one's own interests is to have an exceptional skill the traders and vendors of Mira's Hope are extremely capable. Small treasures are everywhere in the Commerial district and there isn't much of anything that one can't find.
Despite the ongoing conflict between Mira's Hope and Vyss the currency in the city is the Sildari. Money changers are expert at exchanging any currency, however, as the port brings in anyone from anywhere.
Residential quarter There is a real concern in the city about the use of each square foot of space being economical. Most of the residents in the city are either large family dwellings or buildings with many units that can accommodate small families. Regardless of what kind of dwelling it is the footprint of the building is modest which the majority of buildings building upward instead of outward. Homes are tucked neatly together and surround the Commercial quarter in a ring.
Agricultural quarter Farm land is a precious commodity to the people of Mira's Hope. Primarily fish and ocean creatures feed the city but there are stretches of carefully maintained farm land outside just beyond the residential sections of the city. There are places in the area around the city that either cannot or should not be used for growing crops. Contamination of the food source is something which is very carefully monitored. As the blight continues to expand the council is gravely concerned about keeping the food sources pure.
Council Hall
The Council Hall of Mira's hope isn't flashy. The building functions as the seat of government for the city. There are a number of courtrooms that are used by magistrates to try crimes and oversee civil concerns. A gathering point for the Council to review specific cases and policy. There is an extensive library in the building compiled from works gathered from the many different cultures that have come to Mira's Hope for refuge. Over the years the library has been added to by people seeking shelter in the city and the titles one might find there are surprising. The library is maintained with dogged efficiency by