
Barbarian - by S. Robles ©2017 v1.0

Summary The Barbarian is oft one of many, a band of thieves and fighters who employ brute strength and intimidation tactics to line their pockets, or simply enjoy the lifestyle itself. They possess no honor to go with their ideals and instead give themselves over to the brutal and clever teachings of the Spirit of War. Should the opportunity present itself, they will attack en masse in the dead of night, always preferring to start with the upper hand.

Class Skills Nefarious Bent

While perhaps not the most discrete combatant, the Barbarian is adept at working around such flaws. Utilizing opens such as nightfall, a change of watch, hostages, or other similarly insidious methods, they can infiltrate a target location. The intent of this is not to sneak about, but to find a vantage point. Upon finding an advantageous position, the Barbarian will burst from the shadows to confound an unwitting target from behind. With sufficient time to prepare before engaging an enemy, the Barbarian may find an acceptable hiding place with a 70% chance of success, plus applicable racial stealth bonuses. If successful, none of their targets may roll to evade or deflect for the first round of combat and all of the Barbarian’s attacks have a 50% chance to cause Stunning for 1 round. This cannot activate multiple times per the same target. In addition, whenever the Barbarian is employing sinister tactics during combat they gain a +10% bonus to hit.


The Barbarian is not quite as durable as other Berserkers, and is rarely accepting prepared to present themselves as a blatant target when the odds are even. As such, they are masters of posturing and body language, able to cause unease in even the most stalwart foes. They might wear the bones of previous victims as decoration, employ bodily odors, or go out of their way to mutilate fallen targets. Anything to paint a picture of their superiority and show they possess no sense of mercy. Even those used to such things find themselves unable to ignore this, though the reduction in precision may simply be to unadulterated fury affecting accuracy. Anyone engaging the Barbarian during battle is at a -20% penalty to hit them, and they reduce the number of melee or ranged attacks available by one.


Masters of foul play, Barbarians are fond of employing quantity over quality. Even the most powerful of warriors can fall if overwhelmed, bereft of options but to continue to cut down foes in a battle of attrition. Regardless of the skill of those fighting alongside them, Barbarians can find use in each and every addition to their numbers. The Barbarian is at a +10% to hit while working in a group, and for each ally (or minion) engaging the same enemy as them, they gain an additional +10% bonus to hit, to a maximum of +60%.