Next Class - Willshaper
Will-Shapers are a unique class in that one cannot train to be a Will-Shaper, since they are born with an affinity to a particular branch of Will-Shaping and can control it with the force of their mind...
A neo-Victorian Magitech Adventure RPG
The Fallen excel at one thing, regardless of the style they chose to follow: death. Be it by corruption, vengeance, or an inability to adhere to the strict code that the Blade Dancer is expected to follow, the Tal-Jirahir who fell from Zorah’s favor into Khazaar’s bony clutches see death as an absolute solution, and therefore the Fallen disregard defense for offense. (+20% to-hit with any edged Melee weapon. -5% penalty to Dodge, Evade, Block, or Deflection attempts {Min. 50%})
Khazaar’s Touch
Where the Fallen tread, the shadow of death (and often, undeath) follows not far after. Once per day, the Tal-Jirahir can imbue their chosen weapon with necromantic energy, sealing doom on a single enemy. An aura of violet-black energy enshrouds their blade, and they may make a single attack against their foe. If the attack hits, there is a 65% chance to cause a death blow, killing their foe on the spot. Worse still, there is a 40% chance that if a foe is slain outright with this strike, that they will reanimate in 1d4 rounds as a zombie under the Fallen Dancer’s control. This zombie will typically be a lesser sort, with a single melee attack at 75% to hit, with -50% AR and -20% MD. This zombie has no free will, and can only complete simple tasks, such as attack, stand guard, or patrol. This undead will remain under the Blade Dancer’s control indefinitely. (65% chance to cause a death-blow 1/d. 40% chance a slain foe will reanimate as a lesser zombie 1d4 rounds later under the Fallen Dancer’s control.)
Blood For Blood
Though they regard Death as an absolute, frequently.. The Fallen simply will not die. Thought perhaps to be a boon/curse granted to them by Khazaar so that they might deal more death before they fall, and perhaps even managing to raise a zombie to serve his will. As such, when a Fallen Dancer is engaged in combat, and is struck with a mortal wound, they can simply remain fighting until combat ceases, where they immediately succumb to their wounds and die on the spot. If mortally wounded, there is a 60% chance each round that they will remain on their feet until combat ceases. After death, they may be resurrected, however with a 15% penalty to the resurrection roll result. (3 attacks per round, 60% chance checked each round to stay alive when would otherwise be dead, 15% penalty to resurrection rolls)
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