
Demolitionist - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0

Summary Whatever the Architect builds, the Demolitionist finds a way to take it down. Masters of explosives, Demolitionists craft bombs, grenadoes and mines of every sort. They work with dynamite, black powder and at higher skills, create explosives that work in part with magic to produce the most devastating effects. They can topple bridges or clear out enemy fortifications if given the time. Demolitionists carry any sort of weapon that pleases them and tend to use medium to heavy armor. Unlike their Architect counterparts, Demolitionists are often in the front of any battle.

Class Skills Explosives

A Demolitionist attacks at +20% to hit when using any explosive device as a weapon. This includes throwing grenados, bombs or mines. Should such explosive device hit its intended target, there is also an 80% chance to cause Serious Wounds. Serious wounds must be treated in 1d6 rounds or cause incapacitation, then unconsciousness 1d3 rounds. (+20% to hit, 80% base chance to cause Serious Wounds).

Improved Flaw Detection

Because the Demolitionist's primary job is to blow things up they are quite good at finding flaws in structures to maximize the potential destruction. Demolitionists gain a +20% to their Detect Flaw roll and gain a +10% to the attack bonus. (+20% to Detect Flaw check, +10% to attack bonus when flaw is detected).

Masterwork Explosive

Occasionally a Demolitionist will dream up a most devastating explosive device or tool of destruction and have powerful inspiration for that item. A Demolitionist has a 75% to build that item, which is considered a Masterwork item. Masterwork items have a +50% to their effectiveness (i.e., a masterwork bomb does %50 more damage, a masterwork device has 50% greater range or reliability) and grants the Demolitionist an automatically successful Innovation roll. Fabrication and construction time are GM's discretion. This skill can be used once every month. Dwarves gain a +5% to their Masterwork roll because of their ability to create solid, reliable items. (75% to build the masterwork item, +50% to its effectiveness).