
Exorcist - by T.A. Saunders ©2013
Updated by B. Kellestine 2021 v1.1

Summary The Exorcist is a priest specialized in the expulsion of infernal beings and unclean spirits from Imarel. Often put in opposition against powerful ritualists and priests of dark gods, the Exorcist is infused with the power to see the touch of such forces on mortals and can drive the possessing spirits and demons out. This fight against darkness can take a terrible toll on the exorcist however. Those who become possessed by the very demons and spirits they seek to drive out are known as Heretics and will masquerade as an Exorcist in order to aid infernal powers and spirits, rather than drive them off. Exorcists wear light armor and can use any manner of weapon. Exorcists are the third most powerful type of healer. Exorcists are excellent single target healers and are the best of all priests at directly smiting an enemy.

Class Skills Slayer Proficiency

An Exorcist is exceedingly talented at destroying dark spirits and infernal creatures. Because of this, they have a +25% to attack rolls versus any infernal creature or dark spirit. This includes any weapon attacks or prayer attacks they might attempt. For Heretics, this bonus changes to +25% to attack rolls versus celestial beings and priests.

In addition to this, once per day an Exorcist may use Smite, calling on the power of their god to infuse a single melee attack with divine power. Though the visual effect of this can vary (an Exorcist of Kaal may be wreathed in divine fire, one of Mourne in Shadow, one of Zorah in electricity) it will always be a spectacle to see. This attack strikes at a +30% to hit, and deals lesser bane damage to Undead or Infernal beings. Further, there is a 50% chance (+5% per priest rank, beginning at Priest Rank) that a lesser undead or demon will be destroyed (or, at least a demon’s form on Adanum.) Greater undead or Demons (GM’s discretion) will instead suffer Rapture, stunning them for 1d4 rounds as their mind is flooded with the might of the divine.

A Heretic instead uses Scourge, which has the same chance to destroy a lesser celestial/fae, and affect greater celestials and priests with Torment instead, stunning them for 1d4 rounds and afflicting them with great psychological torment and reliving of trauma.

In both instances, failure on this check results in the enemy suffering a -20% to all forms of hit and a +15% to Armor Rating and Mystic Defense for 1d4 rounds

(+25% to all forms of attack vs. infernal beings and dark spirits. Heretics gain +25% attack vs. celestial beings and priests. Smite or Scourge, 1/d).


Once per day, the Exorcist can drive out a dark spirit or an infernal entity from a person or area with 85% chance of effectiveness. This specialized and powerful form of turning has a drawback however. There is always a 5% chance that when the spirit or infernal power is driven out, it possesses the Exorcist instead. Should this happen the Exorcist will either need to be exorcised themselves (at a -30% penalty) or become a Heretic under the control of the spirit/infernal creature that possesses them. This form of turning does not work on corporeal undead of any sort, nor infernal demons manifested on the Prime Plane. (85% to exorcise a dark spirit or infernal being, once per day. 5% chance to become possessed).

Sense of Presence

Three times per day, an Exorcist can concentrate the divine will of his or her deity in a 30′ area and sense the presence of a dark spirit or an infernal creature. This talent will not bypass unusual measures taken to mask a presence or from exceptionally powerful entities. Furthermore, the Exorcist must have reason to believe there is such an entity in their vicinity, rather than simply wasting the power for sake of doing so. For the Heretic, this power becomes the ability to sense celestial beings and blessed individuals in a 30′ area, 3 times per day. (100% chance to sense dark spirits/demons, 3 times per day. Heretics sense celestial beings and blessed individuals 3 times per day).