Duelist - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0
The life of a duelist is often a short, but remarkable one. The duelist specializes in only a few weapons, but knows those weapons inside and out, because knowledge is survival. Some duelists are slaves, some are wanderers who look for challenge in the dance of death. Duelists prefer light armor for sake of speed, preferring to rely on their skills as fighters to avoid damage completely.
Class Skills
Fatal Strike
A duelist lives and dies by the speed of which he or she kills their adversary. As such, they are able to analyze their opponent and deliver a startlingly fast death blow, sometimes even at the opening of combat. This attack can only ever effect a single target. The target must be at least vaguely humanoid as well, that a duelist would have some understanding of the anatomy/inner workings of. Deities (and their Avatars) and unusual, alien beings are immune to Fatal Strike. (30% to deliver a deathblow providing at least one attack has landed. Can only be used once per combat scenario and must be executed with Specialized weapons).
Weapon Specialization
A duelist picks a weapon of choice and master that weapon to a point of peerless skill. While they may understand other weapons, the weapon they choose as their dueling weapon is far and beyond their most lethal. To achieve this level of perfection, the weapon in question must be crafted specifically for the duelist at a cost no less than five hundred gold coins (or equivalent currency). (+20% to all attacks with a specialized weapon. Four attacks per combat round are allowed.)
Three times per day, a duelist may forgo some or all of his or her total attacks in a combat round and choose instead to deflect at half their total attacks per round and may only deflect with their specialized weapons. Attempting to deflect things like cannon balls and area of effect magic will obviously result in catastrophe, but directed spells or even gunfire are possible with the right weapon. Deflected attacks have a chance to also be deflected/riposted back at an enemy as well. (65% chance to deflect any single attack. Base 25% to reflect spells/gunfire back at the attacker when applicable. 45% to riposte a melee attack back at the attacker).