
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2



Of the freeholds of Zoda, Kasiq is truly considered a den of villainy by the other peoples of the continent. The only city where Masoq roam freely and associate with Humans and outcast Voraath, it has become home to several dark religions focused on the Lords of Chaos and a haven for those who are involved in occult activities. Often the target of conflict from Voraath tribes and its neighboring freehold Firyn, it's walls are often found battered and smoldering from the latest skirmish fought at its gates. The city survives mostly on an economy based on theft, black market trade and spoils of war from their ongoing conflicts with Firyn, Kasiq is otherwise utterly corrupt and absolutely poverty stricken. The streets are barely paved and often littered with all sorts of unmentionable filth and more than occasionally, the unfortunate dead from disease or a well-placed knife.

Kasiq's one major attraction is for those seeking assassins, warlocks and necromancers who will engage in all manner of heinous act without question, for the right price. It is also home to the only Half-Masoq to exist anywhere on Imarel, these half breeds often inherit darker qualities of both races and are considered most dangerous. A haven for the black-hearted, it is considered only a matter of time before the Voraath decide to purge it much like Blackgate was, several centuries ago.