Ishaela Parts I and II (Past Chronicle 2015 & 2016)
City of North Reach - by T.A. Saunders ©2015 v1.0
Overview | Capital District | Gambler's District | Industrial District |
Memorial District | Residential District | Temple District |
Lord-General Darius Tucker's Residence
As a man who believes to be amongst his people, the Lord-General maintains a surprisingly modest residence within the Residential District. Darius' home is a three level townhouse, with a small garden and an orchard behind the house, where he grows the red apples he is fond of. Often seen at the residence, are his wife Anna, and his two small children, Darius Junior and Sonetta.
Not seen as easily, is the elite guard that keeps an eye on the Lord-General's home in his absence, and the incredible collection of weapons and armor kept somewhere within the residence. There is an ongoing joke amongst the soldiers of the Republic that Darius could arm a revolution in his own city, with the collection rumored to be kept within.