
The Magic of Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2009, revision v2.9, 12.16.14

The Test of Sorcery

To the arcanist, much of their time and training is spent focusing specifically on passing the Test of Sorcery. In their final year of study, the test could come to pass at any time. An arcanist could be tested on the school grounds, or just outside his or her dorm. They could be tested on the street or they could be tested by being randomly teleported to an obscure location. The object of this randomness is to ensure the arcanist in question is on his or her toes and can adapt quickly using their arcane knowledge; this quality the Schools of Magic feel is important for when the candidate becomes a journeyman mage and is plausibly tested every day.

It is possible to fail the the test, simply by being unprepared for it or making a poor choice. It is also possible to die during the test, but this is not usual by any means. However, each student understands this risk and understands the pursuit of sorcerous power can lead to one's doom. Those who fear the great mystery of death and beyond are likely not good candidates to be magi anyway, given the incredible risks involved in the highest tiers of magical knowledge.

Once the test is passed, the candidate is taken before the Headmaster of his or her school and given their red journeyman robes. After a small ceremony the newly made journeyman mage meets with an instructor that chooses them to be their apprentice. At this meeting, traditionally the instructor explains his or her choice in selecting the journeyman and then explains what their task will be. This journeymanship is at the bare minimum one year but the instructor can make it as long as five if there is a sufficient reason.