
The History and Lore of the Nahara - Class creation and artwork By C. Gray, revision v2.1, for use with the World of Imarel.

What are the Nahara?

The Nahara, or Companions in the common tongue, are an elite caste of entertainers. Most Nahara come from ancient families of Quar`Vess with mixed Elvish blood known as Asyn-Shei. These families are few, and the caste is very exclusive, considered to be one of the most refined and graceful in all of Imarel. Unlike their brethren, the Nahara chose to breed for grace and beauty rather than brutal sorcerous might. The mixing of Moon Elvish and Quar`Vess blood tends to produce somewhat short (five to six feet) and slender progeny with startling natural grace. While men are welcome to take on this profession, male Nahara are extremely rare and such an individual would have to be uniquely gifted and devoted to achieve his official status.

This caste has devoted itself for centuries to the perfection of social interaction. Some crude and uneducated individuals might call them whores, but the Nahara are much more than that. Their art is refined and truly a remarkable experience, from engaging in conversation, to music, dance, song, and art, to massage, foot washing, even hair brushing…and of course intercourse.

Similar to the geisha, often Nahara are appealed to merely for the pleasure of their company, and their attentions are very exclusive. A man does not hire a Nahara; he applies for the privilege of her company and compensates her for her time. There are no poor Companions, and they do not go begging for customers. Any Nahara would be intensely insulted if a man tried to proposition her for a random night of debauched pleasure and would never take on such a customer.