
Dragonoid - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.0

Racial Articles Racial Abilities

Power of Lineage

Dragonoids have superhuman strength on par with Dhampir and can execute feats of strength along the same vein. This also allows the Dragonoid to utilize a Breath Weapon that corresponds with his or her clan. Xinntu use a Cone of Flame, Xannti use Cone of Frost three times per day. The Cone of Flame will ignite enemies for 1d4 rounds, and incinerate all flammable materials in the 60′ area; while the Cone of Frost will freeze all targets for 1d4 rounds within the 60′ area, shattering simple glass items. (+5% to melee attack, +25% to feat of strength checks, Breath Weapon use 3 times per day).

Heightened Sorcerous Skill

Dragonoids tend to be extremely proficient with magic of any kind, gaining longevity in effect in all spells where length of time is applicable and an increase in damage effectiveness, where the damage is treated as if cast by a magic-user more skilled than the Dragonoid actually is. (+10% to effective spell hit).

Draconic Recovery

Dragonoids are able to slowly regenerate damage over time, including severed limbs. This process is not instantaneous and it can take a few days to recover a leg, tail or wings, a day to recover arms and less to recover fingers. Damage from Bane weapons does not regenerate and must be magically healed. (Regeneration possible, Bane weapon damage does not regenerate).

Sorcerous Elemental Attunement

When a Dragonoid is using spells attuned with their element (A Dragonoid of Xinntu parenting is attuned to fire and one of Xannti element is attuned to Ice), they are able to cast such spells at twice their effectiveness. Likewise, spells of the opposite attunement will suffer a half-normal effectiveness. (+10% Spell hit for spells cast of the same attunement as the Dragonoid, -15% Spell hit for spells of the opposite attunement).