
Humans of Imarel and Ishaela - by T.A. Saunders ©2009 v1.7

Racial Articles The Rise of Humankind

The ‘child race' they are called. Little more than barbarians that worshiped the Elves as gods at the time of Ishaela's demise, Humans have come an incredibly long way in a relatively short period of time. With nurturing from the Sivanoshei, Humans grew quickly in all manners of knowledge and began creating and constructing things that rivaled even the Elves' own creations in majesty and wonder.

The first documented interaction with Humans was around 8440 BF, where they were found in nomadic tribes by a Dwarvish mining team on the sub-continent of Quivyn. The Dwarves, more interested in mining than Humans and the Humans, more interested in hunting than mining generally left one another alone, though had generally amiable dealings. Eventually the Sivanoshei would discover the Humans on their own as well and immediately took them to their proverbial bosom and sought to guide them in civilized ways. Recently there have been artifacts recovered from the island of Tamayr Shuru that indicate that humans may have actually existed on Imarel first and were later migrated to Ishaela, for reasons unknown.

The Dwarvish clans were against bothering the Humans at all, stating that if Kaal had wanting them shaping Humans instead of rock, they would have found the big, smelly bastards in the ground instead of on the land. Despite this protest, the Elves continued to shape, mold and guide the Humans until it became obvious that if the Dwarves didn't have a hand in Human development, the Elves may well mold them into something to use against them.

So it came to pass that both the Dwarves and Elves took a great interest in instructing Humans in all manner of mundane craft, lore and knowledge. Soon, they were able to build their cities, forge their own weapons and use mathematics to construct all manner of engineering wonders for themselves. The only thing that remained for them was Magic and of all the things learned from Elves and Dwarves, magic was the thing Humans craved the most.