
Khavosian Vampire - by T.A. Saunders ©2009 v1.8

Racial Articles The Process of Turning

The turning of a mortal into a vampire requires a few things: first and foremost the race of the individual makes a difference. Shar'Vaire, Quar`Vess, Dragons, Dragonkin and Voraath cannot be turned into vampires; to attempt to do so would simply kill the aforementioned race in question. Humans, Elves and all other races can be turned.

There has been speculation whether animals can be turned; in all documented attempts, the answer would seem to be no, however an animal can be fed vampiric blood for a blood slave-like effect. Most daylight guardians of a vampire will be given the blood as a means to ensure obedience, whether it be animal or person as well as boost the strength of such protectors.

Should a proper victim be found the process requires that person to be brought to near death by blood consumption by the turning vampire, then the victim must drink the blood of the vampire with their dying breaths to be fully turned. There is no half-phase to speak of, or a required three bites to occur to complete the turn. However, newly turned vampires need to feed within twenty four hours of being turned or face going into frenzy. Once the turn has occurred, it cannot be reversed by any means, short of very rare and dangerous temporal magic, or divine intervention.

When the blood of their sire is consumed, the neophyte gains many of the memories some of the knowledge required to be a vampire. It is through this shared knowledge an intrinsic and intimate bond is formed, which is often why the vampire's neophyte will often feed from their sire's wrist. It gives a strong sense of familiarity and intimacy that both enjoy. This sort of bond is very difficult to break and in many cases, a neophyte will sooner kill themselves than betray their sire. Acts of cruelty, neglect and brutality against the neophyte can sometimes overcome this bond but even then it is quite difficult.