
Masoq - by S.A. Robles based off T.A. Saunders' Bestiary entry ©2016 v1.0

Racial Articles Racial Limitations

Aromatic Odor

Much to the chagrin of many an exiled Masoq, their foul body odor is nigh uncontrollable. Unless they bathe at least twice a day and use some manner of deodorant, they suffer a -30% penalty to all non-magical persuasion and reaction-based checks, and a -10% penalty to all social-based proficiencies.

Bad Reputation

Be it truth or fiction, the reputation surrounding the Masoq as a whole is pervasive amongst most every culture on Imarel -- sans perhaps Albadosia and Taijun -- and painted them in a universally insufferable light, be they tribal marauder or exile. All Non-Heroic NPCs make a check vs. Fear should they come into contact with a roaming Masoq, to avoid either hostility, flight, or outright assault. Should a failed check be resolved without injury to either party, said NPC no longer requires checks for the individual Masoq in the future...however that still doesn't mean they'll be friendly.

Intelligence of a Rock

The Half-Masoq is a notoriously stupid creature. It has a -10% to all Intuition checks and arcane spell casting rolls. Half-Masoq find it hard to master the intricacies of grammar, math, and magic, though it is by no means impossible to achieve and overcome. (-10% to Intuition and Arcane Magic rolls)

Unavailable Classes

Mage (Technomancer)
Seer (Nahara)
Rogue (Swashbuckler)
Priest (Minister)