
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

Farwind Mithrathia: The northernmost city in the kingdom, Mithrathia is a small lumber mill community that makes its distinction with the Kassoa wood that it produces for the rest of the kingdom. Mindful of the Wild Elf neighbors, the Quar'Vess make an effort to replace whatever trees they chop down for the various goods that are crafted from the light and sturdy wood. It is a quiet corner of the kingdom that is populated by Quar'Vess and open-minded Wild Elves mostly that simply want to make their way in the world in peace. Mithrathia does not have a standing militia but there's enough able-bodied loggers, rangers and the like to turn away most conventional attackers.

Mithrathia is a friendly stopping point for travelers seeking to go further north, into Tallis-Kah territory or those wishing to settle in for some good hunting of deer, pheasant or wild boar. There are also persisting rumors that Mithrathia stands on the ruins of an ancient Asyndi city that existed before the War of Twilight, which attracts more than one Asyndi scholar, Quar'Vess and Shar'Vaire alike. While a few interesting artifacts have been found, no concrete evidence has come forth as of yet.