
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

Kingdom of Moonfall
(Formerly the Grand Duchy of Brookshire)

Mistrise Harbor

The town of Mistrise Harbor is one of two new cities to the Grand Duchy, that are being built for the Human refugees from Davenshire, Hastenworth and Lyrewood. Built on land that had been occupied territory for the last thirty years, then regained as part of a treaty of non-aggression signed with the Draconic Empire, under the rule of Tashalasheeri, there is much hope invested in this brand new town.

Situated on the coast, Mistrise Harbor has begun construction of both a great many fishing shanties and ship-building facilities that should offer it swift growth in a relatively short time. Refugee families come in droves almost daily as the rush of open borders and peace promises a new hope for those who lost everything in the war.