
Holidays Celebrated Across Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

The following is a list of holidays celebrated across Imarel; some are only celebrated in certain nations, others are celebrated across the world. Notations for such will be marked with each holiday and holidays will be separated by the Terran and Imarelian month they take place on. Since the Asyndi were the first to make many of these holidays, they are noted in their language. Some are Elvish holidays Humans have adopted and still others are exclusively holidays celebrated by certain races.

Karo (February)

Karo 11, Rasa Belogh (Sovereignty of Anthalas)

This holiday commemorates the defeat of the Dragons at the gates of D`Mir and the close of the War of the Betrayers. Not celebrated anywhere else on Imarel, perhaps for obvious reasons, the Shar`Vaire take particular relish in this holiday and celebrate it with war reenactments across the Sovereignty and fireworks displays in Anthalas City.

Karo 20, Festival of Hearts (Tal`Rah, Zoda and Shalzaar)

The Festival of Hearts was originally an Elvish Holiday that Humans and later other races have adopted into their own culture. The festival favors the colors white, pink and red to symbolize love and affection. This celebration involves giving gifts of candy and sweets to loved ones, as well as small gifts of affection. This holiday is not only for showing affection to those beloved, but to those friends dear to one's heart.