
Holidays Celebrated Across Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

The following is a list of holidays celebrated across Imarel; some are only celebrated in certain nations, others are celebrated across the world. Notations for such will be marked with each holiday and holidays will be separated by the Terran and Imarelian month they take place on. Since the Asyndi were the first to make many of these holidays, they are noted in their language. Some are Elvish holidays Humans have adopted and still others are exclusively holidays celebrated by certain races.

Xanadyr (August)

Xanadyr 12, Dimar Taviq (Irys)

This holiday is to commemorate the return of the Zissah to the surface of Irys where they had been banished for over several decades as they evaded the Shar`Vaire within underwater caves. Days of celebration are rare amongst the reptilian people, as the Spirit of Tranquility requires they do not revel too often, nor remain somber for great lengths of time, so when this holiday comes around the Zissah take great relish in it, with wild parties within every city and village, where bright yellow robes are worn by the men and red robes are worn by the women. While dressed in this fashion, they dance in the street with brightly colored streamers on long sticks. Often women will throw their robes in the air and the male who catches the robe on their streamer stick (called an uzak) may have that female's attention for the day.

Xanadyr 22, Uba Lasoona (Albadosia)

The Uba Lasoona is a celebration of the founding of the unified nation of Albadosia, under the rulership of the first Warlock King Albados Mahrana. Before this unification, Albadosia had been a collection of feuding city-states that left the region submerged in conflict for over 300 years. The celebration of this day calls for lowborn citizens to bring their eldest, unwed daughter to be brought to a procession that runs the entire royal quarter of Kazban. As the procession makes its way around, noblemen are free to simply take a girl out of the procession and claim her as his for the next 24 hours.

In that time, the nobleman is expected to copulate with the claimed girl as much as possible, to give her a nobleborn bastard. If a child is produced from the Uba Lasoona, the family of the girl is given minor title and the mother and bastard are seen to financially. Many Albadosian families see this tradition as a blessing for a normally impoverished lower class. The tradition itself is believed to come from a time where there was so much bloodshed between the city-states that noble princes would have to rely on bastards to continue their bloodlines.