
History and Lore of Imarelian Knighthoods - by T.A. Saunders ©2011 v1.6

Examples of Knight Orders

Cabal of Darkness: Meklah
Circle of Fury: Spirit of Vengeance
Claws of Decay: Spirit of Decay
Hands of the Truthsayer: Hiron
House of the Plague-Bearer: Abador
Knights of the Blood Lily: Non-deity affiliated cavaliers
Order of the Flamebringer: Kaal
Order of the Sacred Heart: Spirit of Tranquility
Order of the White Jayhawk: Philisteenja
Protectors of the Harvest: Jadaia
Ring of Light and Wisdom: Theesa and Thyia
Sword of the Wild: Zorah
The Iron Circle: Miron
Wings of the Valorous: Spirit of Valor