The Magic of Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2009, revision v2.9, 12.16.14
Sometimes a spell-caster will opt to specialize in a certain primary sphere of magic. In the case of necromancers and illusionists, this specialization is both very popular and yields very powerful spells that only an individual schooled in advanced studies and concepts of that particular sphere can attain. The drawback to being focused in one area of study is, the loss of access to other general sorts of spells that might otherwise prove useful in a given situation.
By and large all specialist casters follow the same regulations and ranks of wizard advancement, with notable exceptions and changes listed below for the necromancer and the illusionist specialists:
The trickster knows a few basic cantrips and perhaps one spell. A potential illusionist is a trickster for the first year of their training and must spend every day of their training mentally impaired in some way, whether by being drunk, hallucinating due to a drug such as opium or jukuarai. The trickster must also find a way to fool his or her instructor in some clever way within that year to earn advancement. Tricksters wear no sort of robe at all and are encouraged to not do so.
The Mystifier has proven their commitment to illusionist magic and has progressed to their second year of study. They know several basic spells, including Alter Self and Invisibility. They are given dark purple and yellow-trimmed robes as a mark of their station and encouragement to use their powers to make them look less hideous. One often remains a mystifier for several years as they advance in the illusionist arts.
The Hallucinatist is a student who has advanced through basic studies and is learning advanced illusions. These students know some advanced illusion spells and have mastered a casting method and are knowledgeable in various topics of arcane knowledge and lore. The Hallucinatist is in their final years of study and will soon take their Test of the Dreaming. Hallucinatists wear golden robes with dark green trim upon them; while less hideous than Mystifier robes, the sheer gaudiness of these garments is enough to make most hallucinatists use their magic to alter them.
Dream Walker
The Dream Walker rank is the illusionist's version of a journeyman mage. The illusionist in question does not travel the world seeking knowledge as the mage does, but rather is placed in a sorcerous sleep for a period of one year. During that time, the illusionist in training must tell his or her instructor of their dreams during that time and what they learned. If the instructor is satisfied with what the student gained from the sorcerous sleep, the title of Illusionist is granted. The robes for this rank are a striking opalescent cloth with golden runes upon the trim, collar and hem, which are worn for the entire time they are in what is called The Dreaming.
The title of illusionist is reserved for those who have completed The Dreaming to the satisfaction of their instructor and are granted said title. Most halt their progression at this point, wishing to ply their skills and profit from them somehow. Illusionists are not required to wear any sort of robe, unless their affiliation with a particular group requires it.
Grand Illusionist
The grand illusionist is a most committed individual to the study of the illusionary arts and have achieved the ability to not only affect the waking mind, but the dreaming one as well. They are illusionists who have, rather than halting their studies, have continued to delve into the deep mysteries of the mind and have learned powerful spells. Some have invested their time and effort to pursuing a High Sphere of Magic.
To that end, grand illusionists are ranked by Circle which number 1st through 7th (7th being the most powerful). Each Circle advancement requires that Grand Illusionist to be tested by his peers at a School of Magic.
Those who have attained the rank of phantasmist number perhaps a few dozen in the entire world. These individuals are vastly knowledgeable in advanced illusionary magic and have mastered a High Sphere of Magic as well. Arch-Phantasmists are capable of entering one's dreams as well as creating illusions that have a subconsciously implanted component to them that make disbelief nearly impossible, save for the most strong-minded or protected individuals.
Like arch-magi, phantasmists are ranked by Circle, which number 1st through 7th (7th being the most powerful). Each Circle advancement requires the scion to be tested by his peers at a School of Magic.
The number of arch-phantasmists on Imarel is unknown; such masters of illusion are as enigmatic as their profession suggests. Rumors persist that one known arch-phantasmist is a Shadow Elf who goes by the name Nirho. So vast are his powers over the mind and the eye, it is said that he no longer exists in the material plane, but co-exists simultaneously between a living dream and the real world.
To achieve this rank is a mystery onto itself that the Phantasmist must unravel. There is no single truth or method that will grant the title of arch-phantasmist; it is said the answer rests in dreams of all who live or perhaps under a rock. Whatever the case, so few have attained this title that it had been thought for several decades that none existed, until a report of Nirho's existence made its way to the Windsong School of Magic.