Golemized Humanoid - by D. Schneider for use with the World of Imarel, ©2013 v1.0
Racial Articles
There was no one mold for the creation of the Golemized. However, there are several things they all have in common. Every joint in their body is made of either metal or boromandite. Their organs are largely replaced with synthetic replacements, with their brains not being the exception to this rule. Their blood is also a synthetic compound, making it impossible for Vampires to gain sustenance off of them. Some Golemized bodies took to the change better than others. Some appear to be perfectly normal humans, except for the purple goggles inlaid into their skull, while others appear as true technological horrors, deformed and equipped with tools that jut out of their bodies. Their former race is almost never immediately apparent, but could be discerned after a long period of observation.