
Golemized Humanoid - by D. Schneider for use with the World of Imarel, ©2013 v1.0

Racial Articles Racial Abilities

Inherent Goggles

Probably one of the more useful traits of the golemization process, the goggles that are inlaid into the skull of the Golemized Humanoid count for any checks regarding goggles and eye-wear. They will always glow a faint purple. In fits of passion, though, the goggles will flicker to a deep red color. (Goggles when applicable for skills, Dark-sight)

Strength of Innovation

Due to their enhancements, most of the Golemized Humanoids are capable of bending and breaking durable materials on a level that is below a Dhampir. Their inherent metal and improved organ system provides them with extra durability as well. This strength also allows for better attacks and defending. (+15% to feats of strength, +7% to attacks, -10% armor bonus.)

The Mind of Iron

Due to their mechanical nature, the Golemized Humanoids have a tougher time being fooled by fear, insanity, and sleep effects. This mental stability, coupled with what they are and their purpose, allows them to start with Tinkerer and Mechanic proficiencies. (85% resistance to fear, sleep, and insanity rolls. Start with Mechanic and Tinkerer proficiencies.)

Remembering the Past

The Golemized Humanoid was once a person, whether they were elf, human, or something else. As such, they can retain vague memories of their lives before they were golemized and any two racial abilities from their parent race. (Two racial abilities from parent race.)

Partial Hive-Mind

The Golemized Humanoids used to be part of a hive-mind conglomerate work force, but that was taken from them when they were liberated. However, they still have all the parts for such things. This means that they may telepathically speak to any Golemized Humanoid or similarly equipped golem within a 100 foot radius. (Minor Telepathy with others technologically equipped for it.)