Next Race - Half-Shei
The Half-Elf has the blessing of inheriting natural beauty from their Elvish bloodline, while inheriting the strength and durability of their human parents...
A neo-Victorian Magitech Adventure RPG
Sins of Thy Father: The Half-Masoq is eternally marked by their lineage to every other living race on Imarel. Nobody wants them, and nobody wants to admit they exist. They have an automatic -15% to any first impression or charming checks, magical or non-magical. Some kind souls can look past this, but those are very few and far between. (-15% charm and first impression, -10% social based proficiencies / non-trade skills. Player/GM Discretion)
Intelligence of a Rock: The Half-Masoq is a notoriously stupid creature. It has a -10% to all Intuition checks, outside of their chosen trade, and a -10% penalty on all spell casting rolls. Half-Masoq find it hard to master the intricacies of grammar, math, and magic, whether arcane, mystical, or divine, though it is by no means impossible to overcome this limitation. (-10% to non-trade skill Intuition rolls and -15% to all Magic rolls)
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