
Shei (Imarelian Elves) - by T.A. Saunders ©2001 v1.5

Racial Articles Immortality Lost — The Legacy of the Star of Bae-Lorh

The Elves that originally came from Ishaela brought with them an artifact called the Star of Bae-Lorh. It is believed that this was a gift from one of their gods, that granted immortality to all Elves. During the War of the Eternals, the Star of Bae-Lorh was hidden deep underground. At some point during the fighting, the cave the Star was hidden in collapsed, and cracked the crystal of the Star with a tremendous cave-in. While the Star still functions, its power is lessened and limited in range.

Shadow Elves, being the closest to the Star's secret location will live up to 3,500 years. Moon Elves will live up to 1,500 years and the Wild Elves, will live no longer than 950 years of age. Were this major artifact destroyed somehow, its possible Elves would have no longer of a lifespan than humans. The Star's presence is a heavily guarded secret amongst the many the Shadow Elves keep in the dark places of the world.

There are a few shards of the Star of Bae-Lorh wandering Imarel, the most famous of which belonging to the Paladin, Lord Samuel ‘Old Sam' Brookholte. These shards are said to grant longer-than-normal life to the keeper, which seems to be true in Sam's case, having lived well past his mortal years. Other shards are said to exist, kept secret and hoarded as one of the greatest treasures on all of Imarel.