
Shei (Imarelian Elves) - by T.A. Saunders ©2001 v1.5

Racial Articles Racial Abilities

The various Elves of Imarel have similar talents overall, but there are those that have also come out of evolution. These are broken down in categories below: Elvish Racial Talents (All Elves)

Dark-Sight The ability to see in extremely low light and no light conditions for 160 feet.
Indomitable Will The ability to resist all fear, domination and charm spells (65%).
Ambidexterity Elves are ambidextrous and can use two small/medium sized weapons at +5% to hit.
Silent Movement The ability to stealth at a penalty of half movement speed (85%).
Hunter's Stride Increased movement speed (65% to dodge one attack per round or +10% to evade talent) Moon Elf Racial Talents

Gift of Zorah

All Moon Elves can increase their overall magical strength depending on the phase of the moon. If Ishaela is at a quarter phase, spell hit is increased by 10%, Half Moon, 15% and Full Moon 20%. When there is a new moon, no bonus is available. NOTE: While onthe moon of Ishaela, Moon Elves have a full 20% bonus, always. (Spell hit increases/decreases with moon phase).

Path of Zorah

Moon Elves can also use moonlight to travel long distances. If there is strong moonlight available to them (three-quarter moon, or better) they may use it to travel anywhere else on Imarel that it is night time. This feat can only be called on once per night. NOTE: While on the moon of Ishaela, Moon Elves can simply travel anywhere on the moon, at night, without penalty. (99% success if destination is familiar. 50% chance for failure if the destination is unknown. Failure can mean being teleported somewhere else, or simply not going anywhere). Wild Elf Racial Talents

Gift of the Wild

Wild Elves can Hide in Shadows and Move Silently, because of their naturally stealthy nature. Furthermore, Wild Elves can move over all manner of outdoor environments including urban environments, without leaving a discernible trail to track them by. This understanding of covering one's tracks also grants all Wild Elves with basic tracking skills. (90% to stealth or +10% to a superior class ability, 3% chance to be tracked by others. 55% to track).

Dead Shot

Wild Elves are extremely proficient with medium and long range weapons of most kinds. The archers of Am-Tasaar are considered to be the most deadly in the world. Their rangers being exceptionally lethal snipers, known for making shots over long distances that others would simply fail at. Because of their exceptional skills with these kinds of weapons, they can make high risk shots and use in a ‘point-blank' range that other snipers are not able to accomplish due to their lack of speed. Wild Elf snipers can also shoot their weapons with twice the effective speed of other races. (+10% to hit with any medium to long ranged weapon, including bows, crossbows, rifles and pistols. 15% chance for instant fatality at point blank range on humanoid-sized targets or smaller at the end of rolled attacks.) Shadow Elf Racial Talents

Gift of Vanidyr

Shadow Elves gain the skill their ilk has with Illusion magic. As such, any illusion cast by this sort of Shadow Elves has a highly improbable chance of being disbelieved even of the illusion seems extravagant. Shadow Elves can maintain their illusions without concentrating upon them. The nature of the illusion magic is in fact that it's part magic and part subconscious implementation. This allows for an illusion to be both difficult to disbelieve and sustained by the viewer, rather than the caster since its using the victim's own subconscious against them. Shadow Elves themselves are highly resistant to illusions of any kind for this reason. (+60% base mystic defense penalty to those attempting to disbelieve an illusion cast by the  Shadow Elf, +5% per ranking starting at Phantasmist, -50% mystic defense vs. illusions cast upon said Shadow Elf).

Gift of Shadows

When in the dark, Shadow Elves can hide with uncanny easy, making them nearly undetectable under most circumstances. They are even able to move while maintaining this cover, providing they have made their Silent Movement check. When under the effect of the Gift of Shadows, a Shadow Elf can surprise attack as well, giving them an advantage in combat. (90% Stealth or +10% to a superior class ability, Surprise Attack 65%, if successful the surprise attacker gains an extra attack that round).