
Guide to the Imarel Multiverse - by T.A. Saunders ©2014 v1.0

Niraeth - The Realm Beyond the Veil Sometimes called the Void, or the Chaos Realm, Niraeth is quite possibly the most dangerous place to visit in the Multiverse. Existing between dimensions as a dimension onto itself, exceedingly complicated and powerful rituals are required to both reach and summon beings from this strange realm. Existing as at times, total nothingness, while other times floating chunks of matter that pre-date the present Multiverse that orbit black suns that shed anti-light, coming to this place unprotected is tantamount to suicide in much the same way traveling to Lyth is. Those unprotected against the rampant chaos energies are instantaneously (1d4 rounds) driven irrecoverably insane for the things their mind must process.

Staying longer within the ebb and flow of chaos beckons random, horrific mutations of the body and mind, to the point of being forever altered into a thing that can thrive in this place of madness. There are plenty examples of such twisted beings to be found, as well as ancient and powerful proto-gods, similar to the Forgotten Ones, that call this realm home. Only the most heavily-armed and sorcerously protected airships travel to such a place, and nobody who wishes to remain sane travels here alone, unless they are exceedingly powerful .