
Kal`aire - by T.A. Saunders ©1997 v3.5

Racial Articles The Legend of the Kal'aire

The truth of who or what the Kal'aire are resides in much mysticism and fear throughout Imarel. Housewives tells their children to beware the Kal'aire if they are very bad, for they will come in the darkness and take them away. Another old tale accounts that those who grieve for one who has been murdered have called to the shadows for revenge and it has been granted.

The truth lingers in Imarel's beginning, with the fall of mighty Hazaad on the field of battle. As he lay there broken and dying from the fight with the Three Underlords of Hell, a voice whispered to the Asyndi. This voice was a sinister thing that made no pretense of being a promise of eternal bliss. A choice was presented: pass onto Oblivion or give one's self to the Spirit of Vengeance to be reborn, remade to cull the Guilty from the flocks of the Innocent.

For Hazaad, who could only taste the coppery anguish of his failure in his bleeding mouth knew only one answer to this question. Hazaad, who had no family to miss him or faith left in his heart for the Old Gods he once served allowed the purpose of Vengeance to fill him with its preternatural might and shadowy gifts. So it was the first Kal'aire was born and set loose upon the supernatural evil of the world.

As the ages past, Hazaad sought out the great evils of the Shar'Vaire Empire as it rose and fell and put each one he found to the cold justice of final death in the name of the innocent. It was also the task of the First Avenger to find others that would give themselves to the Spirit of Vengeance so the fight could continue should mighty Hazaad fall again.

Eons past and the Kal'aire, whose name means ‘Hand of Fury' in the ancient tongue of the Shar'Vaire, grew in number and in purpose but never more than was needed to execute the task of Vengeance. Perhaps no more than ten Kal'aire exist anywhere at any one time. No more, no less are given the Choice.