
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

Windsong Republic

Government Type Current Head(s) of State Capital
Republic Congressional Speaker Milanas Thryn of Singer's Reach. Windsong City
Currency Alliances
Keshra Kingdom of Vyss, Irys, Kingdom of Moonfall, Tallis-Kah Territories, Farwind, Taijun, Zodasia.
57.4 million (55% Human, 20% Shei, 13% Asyndi, 12% Dragonoid.)
Pacts of Nonagression
Draconic Empire, Kingdom of Miroa, Albadosia.

The following is a list of cities within the Windsong Republic. This atlas will not be an exhaustive literary work of each city, but rather a basic guide to each city and its place on the continent of Tal'rah and further, the whole of Imarel, to give the world traveler some measure of what to expect whilst traveling abroad.