Next Location - Zodasia
Unlike Tal'Rah that has distinct areas of control, all of Zoda's cities are freeholds controlled by Northlanders that can trace their descendants to the first settlers from Shalzaar...
A neo-Victorian Magitech Adventure RPG
Overview | Bladefall | Brynmere Glade | Kasyr |
Naticus | Sharan | Sidon | Sundown |
Tashran | Vale | Windsong (Capital) |
The city of Nauticus is a small city centered around its fishing and like Sidon has very little to do with the hustle and bustle going on elsewhere in the republic. Generally speaking, if it doesn't have to do with catching the famous Nautican Green Lobsters, building proud wooden seafaring ladies or similar salty subject matter, most Nauticans will have very little use or understanding for it. Primarily a blend of Northlanders and Hillfolk, Nauticus is governed by a mayor that they elect every five years and does not have a standing militia. When there's trouble the elected sheriff and his deputies can muster a militia from the townsfolk.
Green Lobsters and sturdy seafaring ships are Nauticus' major claim to fame, though people from across Imarel will come to investigate the city's famous urban myth about the ghost of Captain Shane MacDougan who is said to haunt the shorelines of Nauticus with his ship, the Singing Witch. In the early days of the city's founding, it is said the ship was attacked by Northlander pirates in a bloody battle that tore both the Singing Witch and the the pirate's own vessel to shreds with cannon fire. Content that the pirates could not salvage their own ship, he set fire to the Singing Witch as the boarding pirates overtook and murdered what remains of his crew. It is said that the ship, still ablaze can be seen in the fog of night and Captain MacDougan's mad laughter can be heard with it.
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