
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

Windsong Republic


Bladefall is city nobody goes to unless they're looking for mercenaries, assassins or other sorts of questionable repute. Her populous is filled with those who would rather not be found and will likely stab the person they discover looking for them. While this sounds strangely similar to Tashran (and much of the criminal underground in Tashran has their fingers in Bladefall) the significant difference is most of Bladefall is openly corrupt, much to the dismay of the helpless government. Having gone as far as setting their militia out into the streets to enforce the law, Bladefall is a city with a truly befitting name.

The other big attraction to Bladefall is the betting on arena fighting. With the center of most of the city's entertainment focused on its coliseum, gladiators from all over Imarel come here to prove their worth or die trying. When gladiators are not fighting in the arena, those who have captured monsters from across the world will bring them here to fight amongst one another (and sometimes with gladiators).