
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

Windsong Republic

Brynmere Glade

The town of Brynmere Glade is a small farming community of mostly Hill-folk and Tashrani that have settled here in hopes of having a better way of life, than what either Tashran or Sundown could offer them. Mostly folk that grew tired of the corruption in those cities, Brynmere Glade stands apart as a very simple, warm and friendly city where people can generally leave their doors unlocked at night and feel safe to offer shelter to a wandering stranger.

Brynmere Glade exports beef, chicken, lamb, eggs milk and a host of other farm products that supply the entire republic. The other thing Brynmere Glade is renown for is its chocolate candies. Brynmere Glade chocolate is hand made by a closely guarded secret recipe of the Otterton family that has never been written down. The Ottertons were amongst the first settlers of Brynmere Glade and their secret chocolate recipe has been handed down over the generations by word of mouth only.