
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

Windsong Republic


Sundown is one of the  more recent additions to the republic, having been a long troubling adversary before its eventual inclusion. Sundown was supposed to be one of the founding cities, having been populated by Hill-folk from Brookshire at the end of the War of Eternals, but due to shady political maneuvering from within, Sundown actually never joined. With her recent civil war that liberated her from the vampires that controlled the government, the city has finally taken its place as an established member of the republic.

Sundown is a coastal city, populated by a melding pot of races, though mostly consisting of Hill-folk, Moon Elves and a handful of Tashrani that made settled there. Like Tashran, it is a wealthy city, but suffers from a core of corruption that was seeded by the Ko'rashae Rivas and her vampire regime. With her death and the rise of a new government set on expunging this corruption from all its offices, Sundown…while still considered morally bankrupt by many, has the promising rays of a new dawn on its horizon.

Sundown is known for its stout, its Lasher meat, its fishing exports and a source of many of the cannons, flintlocks and blunderbusses that are seen throughout the republic. It also boasts the only military airship in the Republic, from its recent capture of the Falling Orchid from Ko, which was re-commissioned as the S.C.N. Dauntless. This vessel is the flagship in what promises to be the first non-Asyndi airship navy on Imarel.