
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

Windsong Republic

Windsong (Capital City)

Windsong was the first city founded by Humans and Moon Elves on Tal'rah as part of the peace agreement that settled tensions at the conclusion of the War of the Eternals. With both races decimated and the Shar'Vaire struggling to reign in their own warring factions, Mourne Dur'lane who established himself as the new leader of the Shar'Vaire, through the brute force of his Enforcers, gave the Elves and Humans the entire eastern seaboard of the continent to settle, since the Shar'Vaire were too few in number now to control it themselves.

The seat of the Windsong Republic is here, hosted by an enormous domed building in the center of the city, known as the Conclave of Lords. Each of the cities of the republic send their leaders and representatives here, to decide on issues of importance. While each city has a representative, only the major cities with a standing military: Windsong, Vale, Sharan, Tashran and Sundown are represented by ‘Lords.' These Lords are the leaders of those major cities and decide on military action for the whole of the republic.

Windsong is known for its School of Magic, as well as being a cultural center for Moon Elvish and Human art, music and dance. They host the Amphitheater of Light, where many plays and musical performances have been conducted for prestigious audiences. Windsong is also the only known available source of Moonlight Tempered Boromandite on Tal'rah.

Perhaps the most notable of Windsong's famous products are the Silverberries they cultivate into an exotic silver-colored wine. The blossoms from the rare Silverberries are are made into perfumes for women that is both extremely expensive and considered to be most alluring to those to catch its light, sweet scent.