Deities of Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0
Adnor, Lord of Vocorians
One of four Terrestrial Gods, Adnor is the Lord of all remaining Vocorians and patron deity to the Taijuni people. Unlike many Gods, Adnor has a close and personal relationship with both his fellow Vocorians and the Taijuni people. The Taijuni Warlord is Adnor's Voice in all things and while he has dominion over the Taijuni people, Adnor can (and has) chosen to reverse decisions the Warlord has made. Adnor is largely a peace-loving Titan, having only great animosity towards Dragons, for what Tashalasheeri did to Vocor.
Worshipers of Adnor are almost all exclusively Taijuni, for having very little influence outside the island of Tamayr Shuryu and the continent of Vocor. Other Vocorians do not worship him but they do revere him as their leader. Priests are Ki-Kunja, or Rock-Shapers and priestesses are Yun-Jai, or Fire-Tamers. Note these are not directly attributed to their elemental counterparts.