Deities of Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0
Elendor, Spirit of Temperance
Elendor was one of the first Spirits of Imarel, having fallen in battle against the infernal forces of Chaos during the War of Twilight.Before his death, Elendor was a peace-maker and
negotiator between the Gods of Chaos and the Gods of Law, having sat in on many important moments,including the Accord of Eternal Balance and later the Pact of Brothers (otherwise known as the Old Pact).When the War of Twilight had reached the shores of what would be Southern Anthalas, Elendor's Guard fled the field at a crucial time, leaving him to stand alone against infernal hordes. Choosing to fight, regardless of his Fate to protect Zorah, Elendor was given Spirit status by the Old Gods. When he appears, he often takes the form of a white-haired High Asyndi with immaculate, polished plate armor and the war maulCladdghal, which has the look of two silver cups placed end to end for the hammer-head.
Worshipers of the Spirit of Temperance tend to be mild-mannered folk and good at listening to people. Their temples are located in every major city and are open to all to discuss their problems with their fellows, if they will allow Temperance to assist them in managing their dispute. Popular amongst Crusaders, The Spirit of Temperance is also favored amongst law enforcement and judges.