Deities of Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0
Jadaia (pronounced Jah-day-a), the Goddess of Vigor
Jadaia is the divine procreation of Zorah and Kaal. Born on the night the War of Twilight ended, Jadaia's growth was directly linked to the healing of Imarel from the ravages of the conflict had upon it. As she matured into womanhood, the task was given to her to ensure the world remained whole and healthy, to the best of her ability. A task that perhaps is
more challenging than most that even a god can manage, but it is one she takes with great pride. Appearing as a Half-Elf female with curly red hair, she carries wields a great bow in combat called Andala. It is said this fearsome weapon can hit any target Jadaia chooses, so long as she can see it.
Jadaia is a favorite amongst clerics, rangers, hunters and monks, as well as farmers and those who value good health. Her temples can be found in every major city and every small town across Imarel, save those where chaos and disease prevail. These temples are open to any and all that require healing and nothing is charged for those services, though a tithe of whatever can be afforded is considered polite.