Deities of Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0
Ciahal (pronounced Kee-hal), Princess of the Wind
A winsome, wandering goddess, Ciahal spends a great deal of time wandering the lands she controls within Xirorya and more than occasionally visits the mortal plane. She does however make her
appearances within Escaria, the capital city and neutral ground for all four Elemental Princes. While she answers her worshipers, she favors those who callupon her blessing to travel more than anything. She appears often as a female-shaped disturbance in the wind with white eyes and ever an amused smile. When upon the prime plane, she is known to take the Avatar of a wind faerie known in legend as Kaera of the Wind.
Ciahal's worshipers tend to be wanderers themselves, sailors, pirates or anybody who needs the wind to travel far. Aeromancers also favor the Wind-Goddess. Her temples can be found all over Imarel, though they tend to be located in high places, such as the tops of mountains. There is a grand temple dedicated to her at the very top of the floating city of Farwind.