
Deities of Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0

Tashalasheeri the Lost, Mother of Dragons
Classification Ethos Sphere of Influence Home Plane
Terrestrial God Neutral (Chaotic tendencies) The issues and matters of Dragonkind. Imarel
Symbol Animal Servant
A dragon coiled around the world None Dragons

Once a denizen of the Bright Heavens Tashalasheeri was cast down by Kaal himself for not only defying his will to not consort with her rider, the Champion, Hazaad but for striking the Sun-Father so fiercely that she managed to penetrate his World Armor with her claws. Against Zorah's pleas to forgive her, Kaal cast her down from the Heavens, never to return. In her rage, Tashalasheeri destroyed the moon, Vocoria and joined the rest of the First Clutch that had been cast out of Indaris. Imarel would not hear much of Tashalasheeri again, till the threat of her Dracothar son, Aryxiar emerged from his prison. Following those events and her rise to Empress of the Dragon Empire, Tashalasheeri has proven to be both an involved and dangerous deity.

Tashalasheeri is primarily found in two forms; that of a High Asyndi female with white hair, pale skin and silver eyes. In this form she wears pearlescent robes and carries a footman's lance crafted from the bones of the fallen Forgotten One, Gurhjuua the Witchflame, called Prava, which means ‘torch' in Asyndi. The bone-lance can charge itself with ‘Ancient Witchfire' and strike for incredible amounts of bane damage against undead and the infernal. In her Dragon form she can alter her size to that of an adult dragon, to her full size, fit for a dragon millions of years old. It is believed that she is 6,500 miles from head to tail tip. Her breath weapon as an Astral Wyrm is Frost-Flame: a burst of cold flame that not only burns a target for the intense cold of the hyper-cooled blast, but also freezes all the victims within the cone's blast completely solid. Tashalasheeri has a second breath-weapon unique to her: a blast of Radiant Fire that can utterly obliterate anything within its six hundred mile range in a wide, burning wave. This was the breath weapon she used to destroy the moon, Vocoria; such power costs the Mother of Dragons however, as it exhausts her for a time after its use.

Worshipers of Tashalasheeri are almost exclusively dragons. She has a few Human and a few other races worshiping her as well; she finds those sorts just amusing enough to grant their prayers. She has a temple at the Dragon Enclave and one in the city of Farwind, though the latter has seen some disuse as of late for the exodus from the city in 1345 AC, when Shar`Vaire refugees, en masse were allowed into the kingdom.