Deities of Imarel - by T.A. Saunders ©2013 v1.0
Krondhir, Spirit of War
Rivaled only by his great ally, Mourne, the Spirit of Vengeance in sheer power as a Spirit, Krondhir is a immense warrior with a mane of thick, black hair and a braided beard, fierce white-blue eyes and donning blackened platemail armor. The spikes upon the shoulders, elbows and knees of the armor are decorated with bits and pieces of enemies that have challenged him in combat. His great fortress,
Kladhaal, serves as the crossroads between Xos and Indaris. It is here that Krondhir lets his Valkyries fly free, to bring the souls of great Heroes before him. Those who have fought with honor and valor may choose to remain with him, or move onto Indaris, the Bright Heavens. Those who have lived a coward's villainous life, are given trial by combat with one of his Valkyries. Those who fall before their might are cast into Xos to become larva or worse.
Krondhir is the favored god amongst the Northlanders, Voraaath and those who value honor and heroism. His priests also tend to be skilled combatants and rarely accept surrender as an option. Khrondir does not have temples where his priests gather for foolish ceremony. His temples are the battlefields of Imarel, where heroes prove their worth in the sacrament of blood.